E-Alert: Dear California Voter

Dear California Voter,

California's Recall Election is just around the corner! On September 14, 2021, Californians are being asked whether to remove Governor Newsom from office. The ballot will have two questions - number one will be the recall question: "Shall GAVIN NEWSOM be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor?" The second question is your opportunity to select a replacement for the office of governor.

Simply fill out the rest of your ballot and mail it in, or drop it off at a polling place near you. Or, you may visit your county election office to vote in-person between now and Election Day. We have an opportunity, a right and the privilege to elect leaders who represent our values. Please exercise that right and encourage your friends and neighbors to do so as well.

If you have been displaced due to wildfires, you can update your mailing addresses at registertovote.ca.gov or visit this helpful website for information on voting during a disaster. You can also check your local county clerk's office website for other options and helpful information. The USPS cannot forward your vote-by-mail ballot.

Important Deadlines
Voter Registration must be done online or postmarked by August 30, 2021. However, you can conditionally register and vote at your county elections office after this 15-day voter registration deadline. Additionally, same-day voter registration is available as well, although please do not wait until the last minute.

Vote-by-mail ballot request: Must arrive by September 7, 2021.

Completed ballots and vote-by-mail ballots that are being personally delivered must arrive by close of polls, which is 8:00pm on September 14, 2021.

If you have any questions, please click here for FAQs, or feel free to contact any of my offices.

Thank you, and be safe.

Senator Brian Dahle