Senator Dahle Reacts to the Governor’s Budget Proposal

Senator Brian Dahle (R-Bieber) reacted to the release of the Governor’s January Budget Proposal. Senator Dahle is a member of the Senate Committee on Budget, and Budget Subcommittee 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy and Transportation.

“After a historic budget surplus, California is now facing huge deficits, possibly for years. With that ominous reality, we must be prudent with taxpayer dollars to solve our most critical challenges in California.

As I indicated in a letter with my colleagues, California must focus on core priorities with this upcoming budget. California faces an alarming homelessness issue, increasing crime throughout the state, and unsustainable affordability for Californians. Further, we need to place an emphasis on infrastructure, make a real commitment to our students and address our wildfire threat.

The Legislature is notorious for excessive spending without proper planning, oversight, and transparency. I hope my legislative colleagues and the Governor will pause and reassess spending priorities to meet the true needs of all Californians.”