Happy New Year!

Dear Friends,

I want to take a brief moment to wish you and your loved ones a prosperous and blessed New Year! We had a productive 2021, and I will be highlighting some of those accomplishments in my next email. Be sure to check it out.

Megan and I will celebrate 23 years of marriage in a few short days. I'm grateful for our life together and our three exceptional children. Family truly means the world to me.

While we don't traditionally set New Year's resolutions, we often take moments to reflect on the year and things we’ve truly enjoyed. One we have found genuinely impactful is hosting legislators in our district. As we look back, Megan and I realized that we have hosted 127 legislators over the years! We feel honored and humbled to represent the North State, and we want our legislative colleagues to not just hear about the North State but come and experience the place we call home. We have found these visits to have a meaningful impression on future dialogues and outcomes. So often, it's not about being Republican or Democrat, but about common sense solutions and reasonable policies that actually work.

As we head into the New Year, I look forward to continuing to serve Californians!

Cheers to 2022,
