State Superintendent of Public Instruction Thurmond visits Plumas County Schools affect by wildfires

The Plumas County community of Indian Valley, where the town of Greenville was almost entirely destroyed by the Dixie Fire in early August, took a critical step forward this week when Greenville Elementary School reopened for students, on the site of the former Taylorsville Elementary School.  My staff joined State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, Plumas Unified School District Superintendent Terry Oestreich and other local education leaders for a visit to the school’s opening day Monday.  The children were very excited to be there.

I appreciate Superintendent Thurmond’s taking the time to visit personally and understand firsthand the hardships including travel delays for fire cleanup and very spotty Internet service.  Plumas County’s schools face a number of serious challenges recovering from the Dixie Fire, but they are moving forward and I am committed to doing all I can in the Legislature to help.