VIDEO: Sen. Dahle: ‘It’s crazy you can’t get fire insurance at a fire station in California’

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As the homeowner’s insurance crisis worsens across California, Senator Brian Dahle (R-Bieber) spotlighted an alarming trend last week: The state can’t even insure its own fire stations.

In a hearing of Senate Budget Subcommittee 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection and Energy, the subcommittee delved into capital outlay projects aimed at modernizing the state's deteriorating infrastructure used by firefighters and other emergency responders. A significant hurdle has emerged as insurers increasingly reject coverage for these multimillion-dollar projects, impeding their ability to secure financing from investors. This setback poses a serious challenge to California's fire prevention efforts. 

"There’s a story here,” Senator Dahle remarked, “We can’t get fire insurance for a fire station manned by firefighters. That’s crazy.” 

In cases where capital outlay projects fail to secure financing, the state is compelled to self-insure, pushing general fund costs higher. Senator Dahle emphasized the urgent need for investment in these projects, highlighting the escalating costs of labor and materials in the state, exacerbated by Democratic policies. 

"These projects will significantly enhance our fire response capabilities and mitigate the billions in losses witnessed in recent years," Senator Dahle continued. "Investing now is imperative, serving as the most effective insurance policy to safeguard California against future catastrophes." 

FLASHBACK: Senator Dahle has been an outspoken advocate on the homeowners’ insurance crisis and has been driving initiatives to protect communities from devastating wildfires. Over his legislative tenure, he has introduced several measures that would significantly help to mitigate disastrous wildfires, keep communities safer, and prevent the homeowners’ insurance market from imploding. 

2023: Senator Dahle sent a letter to Insurance Commissioner Lara demanding action to address the homeowners’ insurance crisis. 

2021: Senator Dahle helped secure $30 million in wildfire prevention grants for the district. That same year Senator Brian Dahle and Senator Mike McGuire introduced the Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights Act, Senate Bill 206The measure was signed into law providing minimum staffing levels ensuring that our first responders’ physical and mental health are a priority, freeing up resources to fight fires while reducing fire danger in our communities and forest lands.

2019: Senator Dahle called for an immediate Special Session of the Legislature to address public safety power shut-offs, homeowners insurance, and wildfires.