
All bills with a fiscal impact are referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee after they have been heard in their respective policy committees. This can include bills that appropriate money, result in substantial expenditure of state money, or result in a substantial loss of revenue to the state.

Energy, Utilities and Communications

Bills relating to utilities, energy companies, alternative energy development and conservation, and communications development and technology.

Environmental Quality

Bills relating to environmental quality, air quality, water quality, climate change, California Environmental Quality Act, waste management, pesticides, and hazardous materials.

Governmental Organization

Oversight of administrative procedures and the creation or elimination of regulatory agencies. Supervision of specific sectors like alcoholic beverages, public gaming, horse racing, and state-run businesses. Management of state buildings, planning and safety.


Bills relating to the California State Transportation Agency, California High-Speed Rail Authority, California Highway Patrol, California Transportation Commission, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Transportation, transportation funding, transportation planning and programming, public transit, intercity rail, mobile sources of air pollution, and rules of the road.

Joint Committee on Fairs Allocation and Classification

Oversees funding and operations of the state Division of Fairs and Expositions and local fairs around California.

Joint Legislative Audit Committee

With the goal of improving government performance, the Joint Legislative Audit Committee independently and through the California State Auditor’s Office oversees the operations and finances of government and publicly created entities.

Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Management

Primary jurisdiction includes disaster preparedness, emergency management, and homeland security issues.